Civilization 5 (Civ 5) is a popular turn-based strategy game, and one of the key mechanics in the game is research agreements. This feature enables players to collaborate with other civilizations to share research and accelerate technological advancement.
However, the question remains, are research agreements worth it in Civ 5? Let`s explore this topic in more detail.
Firstly, it`s important to understand how research agreements work. To initiate a research agreement, two civilizations must have open borders and a friendship level of at least 60. Once the agreement is made, both parties must pay a certain amount of gold upfront, and then every 30 turns afterward. The cost increases with every subsequent agreement.
The benefits of research agreements are clear. They allow civilizations to pool their resources and research efforts to progress faster through the game`s technology tree. This can give a significant advantage in the long run, allowing players to unlock powerful units, buildings, and other improvements before their opponents.
However, there are also some downsides to consider. Firstly, research agreements are not cheap. The initial cost and the ongoing payment every 30 turns can put a strain on a civilization`s finances, especially in the early stages of the game. Additionally, if a civilization fails to make its payments, it can damage the relationship with its partner, which can have long-term consequences.
Another potential issue with research agreements is that they are not always necessary. If a player is already ahead in the technology race, they may not gain much from the collaboration. In contrast, if a player is far behind, a research agreement may not be enough to catch up. Therefore, it`s essential to evaluate the overall situation and consider the specific benefits of the agreement before committing.
In summary, research agreements can be a powerful tool in Civ 5, enabling civilizations to accelerate their technological advancement and gain an edge over their opponents. However, they come with a significant cost and aren`t always necessary. Careful evaluation of the situation is necessary to make an informed decision on whether or not to pursue a research agreement.